
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Memorial Day Push!

Well, April looks to be a big fat dud in the weight loss category. I don’t want to spoil the surprise before Friday’s weigh-in, but I assure you I haven’t dropped and additional 5 lbs since last Friday’s weigh-in.
That’s disappointing to be sure but that’s not what I would like to talk to you about today. No, do you know what happens just four weeks from this Friday? It is the beginning of the Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficialmemorial%20day%20paradestart of summer.Wait. What? Weren’t we just wearing winter coats last week? Yes, if you live in the Mid-Atlantic like me, you were but that’s neither here nor there. Memorial Day is coming ready or not.
Since April was a such a loser for me weight wise, I’m looking to achieve “noticeable changes” in the month of May. I mean it’s tank top season and I would love to be able to wear a tank top this summer. Something, I dared not attempt last year :: shudder::
Therefore, I am embarking on a 1 Month to Memorial Day Push. It’s like a challenge only it’s a push. What’s the difference? Hell, if I know but I like the term push because that is what I need to do. Push myself harder.
It starts Saturday, April 30 and ends at 11:59 pm Sunday, May 29. That way you can still enjoy that Memorial Day Cookout.
The Push consists of three parts, Cardio, Diet and Trouble Spot.
Since this is a “push” the goal is to push harder. Take whatever cardio you’ve been doing and bump it up by at least 10%. You can aim to work out 10% longer, or burn 10% more calories or travel 10% further. You can go higher than 10% but not less.
For me, my cardio of choice is running, so I am bumping up my weekly mileage goal from 12 miles to 15. More than 10% but not undoable (is that a word?)
The goal here is to eat in your calorie/point range 90% of the time. That is 27 of 30 days. Not easy but doing this will result in weight loss (or gain or maintenance, whatever your goal is). Yes, there will be special occasions in there, Mother’s Day anyone, but your body doesn’t take a holiday from storing fat at least mine doesn’t anyway.
If you  are on SparkPeople, you know your calorie range. Likewise, Weight Watchers. If you don’t check out and determine your calorie goal, the range is + or – 150 calories of that number... ish.
For me, my calorie goal is 1450 (to lose 2lbs per week) with a range of 1300-1600.
Trouble spot:
Pick an area where you would like to see improvement by Memorial Day, then pick an exercise that really works it, then do that exercise every other day, 3 sets of 15, for a month.
For me, I want my shoulders and upper arms to look less like sagging coat hangers (see above re: tank tops) so I’ll be doing push-ups. I hate push-ups because my upper body is so weak. I’ll be starting with “girl” push ups, maybe even finishing with wall push-ups if necessary to get through the sets. By the end of the month, hopefully I’ll be able to get through them all girl style and maybe, just maybe, crank out a “real” one.
It’s not going to be easy and it’s not meant to replace any of the other programs/challenges I’m involved in. I think it will work with them quite well.
I’ll be posting on Friday with my standard Friday stats and a photo.
Are you interested in joining me? Leave a comment with your name, email, web address (if you have one), and what your goals are for the three areas.

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