
Friday, April 8, 2011

Why yes, I did say cloth diapers.

When I was pregnant, I read somewhere, something about babies who wear cloth diapers being easier to potty train. I was intrigued as I had (and still have) no desire to change the poopy diapers of a 3 year-old. I learned about modern cloth diapers and thought they were really cool but I didn’t really consider going cloth right away because it wasn’t like my child was anywhere near potty training, being in utero and all.

I thought about them a lot though. They were so cute and man, are disposable bad for the environment. I hate the idea of encasing the most biodegradable thing in the world in plastic and putting it in a landfill (Do you hear me pooperscoopers?) But, I was afraid of the laundry. I thought it would be complicated. Or gross. Or I would have to buy special detergents. Mostly, I thought my husband would never go for it.  But still, they never left my mind. I decided that when my daughter turned 1, I would buy a couple just to use around the house so that she could start making the connection between the feeling of having to pee and wetness. I was still focused on the potty training aspect.

Finally the day came about 3 weeks before her first birthday. I was browsing cloth diapers and just couldn’t wait anymore. I purchased 3 BumGenius 4.0 pocket diapers.

They arrived on a Thursday and I immediately washed them so that they would be ready to go first thing Saturday morning. When my husband saw them, he declared me a hippie and said he wasn’t going to use them. That was fine, it wasn’t like I was going whole hog with this thing right?


By noon on that first Saturday, I was on my way to a town 40 miles from my own because it had a cloth diaper store and I simply had to have more! Within 3 months, I had spent $400 building my stash. That sounds like a lot but I spent about $800 in 2010 on disposable diapers. We went whole hog.

The laundry does involve pushing a button once or twice more than a normal load. I don’t even break a sweat. The “special” detergent is remarkable unspecial (no additives) and I use it on all my laundry. And it is cheaper than Tide.

My husband, who declared he wasn’t going to use them knows a Fuzzibun from a Rumparoo and does diaper laundry. A few weeks ago when I told him a friend of hours was going to use cloth on her new baby he said, “That’s great. They’ll save lots of money and they are no harder than disposables.”

My only regret is not going cloth sooner! Don’t make the same mistake I did!!! All those blowouts that could have been prevented!!

I did all my cloth diaper research from cloth diaper blogs. The ladies who run these sights have amazing information.

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