
Sunday, April 10, 2011

There will be bad weeks

There will be bad days, there may even be bad months.
This was a bad week for me. I didn't workout enough, I ate poorly on a few days. I wasn't in the zone. But this isn't about that. This is a focus on the positive post. Even in a bad week there are still things I did right.
- I completed Week 8 of the C25K
- I got most of my points on the 100DTS Challenge even if it was fewer than normal
- I was able to eat a bad meal early in the day and not consider the day a loss. The next meal was a healthy choice.
- I logged into SP every single day
- I drank my water.
-I forgave myself for not being perfect.
Because there will be more bad days and bad weeks. I accept that as a part of the process. I didn't get in the position because I have perfect control over my eating and never flagging desire to workout. By looking at the things I did right, a "bad" week doesn't seem so bad. It's all part of the journey.

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